You know you’re not ready to parent, but you are not on board with abortion either. If this is the case, adoption could be an option for you during an unplanned pregnancy. You may be surprised to learn how many adoption options you have and how many adoptive families there are waiting to be matched with a child.
Adoption is not for the faint of heart and it comes with humility. But the joy and peace you receive from choosing adoption is far greater than the difficulty it takes to begin the process.
The birth mom has lots of control over the process of adoption. The birth mother chooses between three adoption options: an open adoption, closed adoption, or semi-open adoption.
The most common type is an open adoption. It gives the mother and the adoptive family the opportunity to communicate openly about meeting times and have an open and consistent relationship as the child grows.
Closed adoption could be an option for you if you would like to keep your identity sealed from your child. In this type of adoption, identifying information will not be shared with the adoptive parents either. Everything remains strictly confidential.
Lastly, semi-open adoption is where the birth parents and adoptive families communicate through a third party such as an adoption agency. Contact will normally be through email, phone calls, pictures, and letters (mediated by the agency).

While only you can really answer this question – we are here to help. Get clarity about each adoption option so you can decide if these sound like a good fit. What kind of contact do you want with your child? What type of family do you want for your child? No matter what option you do choose – you will always be a mother.
Our team at Positive Alternatives wants to help you explore all your pregnancy options, including adoption. We provide free information about the adoption process and referrals to adoption agencies that best meet your needs. In most cases, financial assistance for medical and living expenses is available for the birth mother, along with many other benefits.
You have the right to understand how adoption could affect you and to receive support, including counseling during and after your pregnancy. We can help you consider the facts about adoption, as you decide if it may be a fit for your situation.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment with us today to talk about adoption and all your pregnancy options.
We are not connected with any adoption agency and never profit from your decision.
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